There can be roughly 4000 people who work in some theatres, and these jobs range from actors, dancers, ushers, finance, marketing, front of house, producers, directors, designer, musicians, stage crew and a technical team. The majority of these people are freelance artists. During the last year due to COVID, theatres have had to be shut and there are many freelancers who have not been able to claim support with many being out of work for a long time. This has been detrimental to the people who work there.
During COVID, there has been a big consideration about supporting local business, shops and restaurants when they reopen. However, this effort must be applied supporting the arts and theatre to help them survive in these current times. To support you can watch online performances, donate to local theatres, get a memberships, donate money instead of getting a refund, buy merchandise and shout out performances and news on your social media.
Another thing you can do to support theatres is looking at key websites which supports theatres and those who work in them. One of these is the ‘Theatre Support Fund’ with their project of ‘The Show Must Go On’. This project has already raised £800,000 for charities such as Acting For Others, Fleabag Support Fund and the NHS COVID-19 Urgent Appeal. They have created merchandise to buy and are doing shows and events.
Dame Judi Dench said, “I have been devastated by the effects the pandemic has had on the theatre industry but I am also proud of what we have achieved by standing together through these times. Chris and Damien at the Theatre Support Fund+ have done such profound work by raising this incredible amount of monies and have been able to help thousands of freelancers. There are still many workers who need our support and I am delighted to be able to support their campaign. I wish them all the best in their continued journey to help freelancers until our theatres can open again, The Show Must Go On!”

As someone from an arts background, it is vital for the arts industry to be given some support during these tricky times. The arts industry is all about providing entertainment and joy, this is definitely needed after this tricky time we have been through.
Anything you can do to support the theatres and arts industry whether small or big, please do it!
Some useful wesbites to look at: