Sunday, 5th September marked the annual Thatcham Rotary Duck Race at The Rowbarge in Woolhampton. After missing the event last year due to the pandemic, seeing so many people coming to support was uplifting. The glorious weather helped boost spirits with the sun beaming down over the event all afternoon.
5,000 rubber ducks were launched into the canal as the clock struck 12 noon and raced down to the finish line. For those who weren’t in attendance, or don’t know how a duck race works, each duck has a number and number is sold in a bid to win the cash prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd placing ducks. In the end, it was duck number 2680 who managed to get to the line the fastest.
The money raised from the ticket sales and additional stalls on the day were in aid of Young People and Children First, a charity who provides homes to young people (aged 16-25) who are leaving care or who are homeless. A fantastic sum of £2,300 was raised by Thatcham Rotary Club which will aid this charity in their much needed services.

Not only did Thatcham Rotaract help with the selling of tickets, but we also ran a coconut shy at the event for our own chosen charity of Refugee Community Kitchen. It was a great success, raising £54.50 for the cause.

Official event photographer, Ray Stowell of Thatcham Rotary Club, managed to get some quacking photos, view the album here: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipN-2-praZqJL-uKBHkjA7aEf21AP7Snyouz6IzWi6hfrxhiXCWLRSXbVOhwKJXL-Q?key=TXJwWlNBWUIxRnI5T00yX2xMOHlac2lvVWE0bkt3 Newbury Weekly News also got some lovely pictures. This featuring picture of their article was taken at our coconut shy, you can read their article here: https://www.newburytoday.co.uk/news/another-quacking-year-for-thatchams-great-duck-race-9215587/

We look forward to the next large scale event from Thatcham Rotary Club, the Santa Fun Run on Sunday 5th December. See their website for more details: https://www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/page.php?PgID=818116&ClubID=572