In the winter months taking care of our mental health can be a struggle. There are many reasons for this, but the most important one is a lack of sunlight. According to scientists, the main theory behind this is a lack of sunlight which may cause a change in our mood.

Seasonal affective disorder also known as SAD is a form of depression that many people experience during winter. For many of us, winter is hard with not much sunlight which can affect our mood, and we rarely get any snow! However, it’s important to look after ourselves during this time.
What can we do to look after ourselves?
So, what can we do to look after ourselves and those around us when we are feeling like this? It’s so important that we connect with people and tell those who we trust how we are feeling. This could be family, friends, or you may be feeling more comfortable getting professional help. Whoever it may be, it’s important to be honest and share exactly how we are feeling.
The thing that helps me the most is to get outside for some exercise. There’s just something about going for a walk that clears my head and helps me make sense of whatever trouble’s I’m facing. We as a club used this as inspiration for our ‘Rotaract Relay’ fundraiser for Mind, the mental health charity, challenging others to get involved and advocating for the importance of mental health awareness. It’s also important that we are looking after our bodies at this time. Plenty of sleep and a balanced diet are essential at times like these. You can read our other blog posts about The Importance of Sleep and The Importance of Exercise to find out more.
For most of us feelings like these will pass, yet it is imperative you reach out when you need it. Don’t be afraid to share your story, it’s reassuring to know that everyone at one time or another feels like this. It’s important to make sure that your health stays a priority on top of everything else. We all have very busy lives with a never ending to do list, but you are irreplaceable.
Mental Health Foundation's "I'm Fine" Campaign
Mental Health and COVID-19
In recent years we have faced many challenges that have put strain on our mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic caused so many of us to lose things that we rely on so much almost overnight. We were forced to stay at home and unable to see loved ones for months, and even in some cases, like those who are vulnerable having to shield, much longer than most. Many people experienced feeling anxious and wanting answers. Jobs were lost, or put on hold, all whilst worrying about catching a virus that could potentially change lives.
It’s so important to know that none of us are alone! No matter how lost or isolated we may feel, there will always be someone there to listen and help you through.
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