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The Importance of Exercise

Updated: Aug 5, 2021

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do with your life. Whether it’s walking around, cycling, doing sports and working out using weights and equipment. To be healthy, adults should attempt to achieve 2 and a half hours of exercise a week and you should try and exercise every day.

Exercise can help you lead a happier and healthier life. It can reduce your risk of illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, obesity and of an early death. As well as mental and emotional benefits such as boosted self-esteem and sleep quality as well as reducing risk of depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Nowadays, people are becoming less active as technology makes our lives easier. We can drive or use public transport and entertain ourselves with TV and computers. Fewer jobs require manual labour and chores are arguably less challenging then before.

Exercise can be fun! Whether you start out doing a dance class or Couch to 5K there are many fun ways to be active. Try a challenge, a medal event, a trial session – there is no harm in try something new! Just get out there and find your preferred method of exercise. For me, I like to dance, put some music on and I am in my own little world dancing away. It makes me happy and I forget I’m even doing exercise. As well as this, I like to walk and get lost in nature and my surroundings. It can be like an adventure, discovering new places you have never seen before and it can be your alone time or a time to catch up with friends.

As a Rotaract Club, we are arranging our first solo fundraising event which will be a sponsored walk. This not only links to the importance of exercise and gets us out and about, but will raise money for our chosen charity: Mind. So keep your eyes peeled out for our event on our social media – it will be coming soon!

Exercise can be fun! Exercise can be challenging! Exercise needs to be done. So whether it’s dance, Zumba, running, cycling, swimming or weights – just get out there and do it!

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