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The Instagram of Dorian Gray

Oscar Wilde wrote ‘beauty is a form of genius- is higher, indeed than genius, as it needs no

explanation’ in The Picture of Dorian Gray which highlights one of the key themes of beauty and youth in the novel. It explores the aesthetic life many people aim to have and draws attention to the consequences of placing so much emphasis on external and superficial things. This is a topic that never really gets old as there is a prominent focus on aesthetics in society whether this is on social media, fashion, and art in general.

The genre of gothic literature, which Dorian Gray belongs to, usually includes supernatural events,suspense, a haunted castle and a dark, eery atmosphere. The character’s moral compass is not always pointing north, and they’re often influenced by intense emotions that can lead to the conflict within the novel.

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a famous example of this genre. The character of Dorian Gray is a young man known for his ethereal beauty, which inspires his friend Basil Hallward to paints a portrait of him. However, another friend of his, Lord Henry taunts Dorian and says his youth and good looks won’t last forever leading to Dorian wishing to stay young forever! Lord Henry’s words corrupt Dorian, and he becomes cruel and reckless the opposite of what he’d been at the start of the novel. Despite Dorian spiralling into wickedness, his youthful appearance does not change but the portrait of him becomes hideous and sinister reflecting his inner turmoil.

Oscar Wilde writes about how youth and beauty are superficial and how the obsession over them can lead to one’s downfall. He also critiques how society never shamed Dorian because of his god like beauty, even though his actions were malicious. In addition to this, Wilde write about the negatives to living a life focused on aesthetics, as Dorian Gray was only concerned about his outer appearance.

Aestheticism was a 19th century art movement which focused on the idea that art did not need to serve any other purpose than beauty and it highlights the importance of beauty in art and literature.

Dorian Gray lives this aesthetic lifestyle, which Wilde encapsulates in his idyllic writing, but the fixation with this paired with his disregard for others leads to a fatal end.

I think these ideas can be linked to many issues within society now, for example the pressure of having to look a certain way on social media. Influencers on social media can portray themselves in a certain way which can be damaging to young people who don’t live up the unrealistic standard of their beauty and lifestyle.

I think if Dorian Gray were to have an Instagram, he would portray himself as having this pristine image that he does in the book and only the positive aspects of his life would be

posted for everyone to admire.

This book is a favourite of mine and I always find myself rereading it around this time of year. I love the way Oscar Wilde writes, the messages that he conveys and how it is still relevant in current times.If you are interested in the gothic genre some recommendations are Dracula by Bram Stoker, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.

And for further reading, this article helped me write this blog post.

The Conflict between Aestheticism and Morality in Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray

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