These up and coming weeks mark one of the most stressful times in a university student’s calendar. Exams, dissertations, assessments all start to be handed in. A survey conducted by Natwest Student Living Index in 2019 showed that 45% of students admitted to feeling stressed about their course. (Nearly Half of Students are Stressed at UK Universities | Top Universities) A statistic which can only have grown due to online learning as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Despite changes to universities in order to try and tackle this, stress is still unfortunately inevitable among students – and whilst helpful in small doses to help towards motivation it is usually difficult to manage.
Here are some tips that may help to reduce stress levels for not only university students, but those feeling extra pressure from the impact of COVID-19:
Making a timetable, to-do list or planning out your day can give you structure and allow you to set reasonable goals for the day. This also helps you schedule yourself down time.
Take a break Taking a pause of at least 10-15 minutes every half an hour allows you to refocus and prevent yourself for feeling overly exhausted or burnout. (Study Break Tips: How To Take A Study Break That Works (
Look after your body
Make sure that you’re drinking plenty of water and remaining hydrated – dehydration can make stress worse as it can cause ‘brain fatigue, brain fog, as well as headaches’ (Water and Brain Function -- How to Improve Memory, Focus, and Concentration (
Also making sure that you’re providing your body with enough nutrients, having a diet of balanced food groups – especially brain food that are high in omega 3 and antioxidants such as oily fish and blueberries. (11 Best Foods to Boost Your Brain and Memory (
Go for a walk
Taking a walk can help refocus and relax the mind – allowing you to get some fresh air and stop being static if you have been stuck at a desk. (Improve Your Concentration - Time Management Skills from
Although these things may seem small, these changes can help improve your mindset overall whilst creating healthy habits that can in turn aid stress reduction as a result.

Image received from: Simple Ways to Manage Your Stress - (